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Biblioteca Herrou Aragón > Religión | Historia > The Jewish Religion based upon Parsism

The Jewish Religion based upon Parsism

Cama, K. R.

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34.50 USD | 24.49 €


Facsimil of eight articles extracted and translated by K.R. Kama, bound together in one book. Bombay editions, years 1879 to 1883. Authors: W. R. Alger, Fr. Spiegel, Dünker, Rapp, Rhode, Alexander Kohut.


The Zoroastrian mode of disposing of the dead. Avesta and the Genesis or the relations of the Iranians to the Semites. Comparison of the laws of Ormusd with the laws of Jehova. The Persian and Jewish doctrines of the resurrection and the immortality of the soul. The Jewish angelology and demonology based upon Parsism (Parts I, II, III and IV).