Biblioteca Esotérica Herrou Aragón

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Biblioteca Herrou Aragón > Catálogos > Voynich's Catalogues. Volume I: First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth list of books offered for sale by W.M. Voynich

Voynich's Catalogues. Volume I: First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth list of books offered for sale by W.M. Voynich

Voynich, W.M.

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39.00 USD | 28.00 €


Facsimiles, London (1900 to 1902). Volume I includes the first five of nine catalogues of 3812 rare books offered for sale by the legendary bookdealer of Polish extraction Wilfrid Michael Voynich, who, in 1912, discovered the famous Voynich manuscript which has remained undeciphered until today. 16x 24 cm, 720 pages.


First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth list of books offered for sale by W.M. Voynich.